The Danbury Cemetery Association was created in November of 1850 as a result of a Connecticut State law regarding cemeteries. The shares were $25 each and there were 60 original shareholders. The first officers were Frederick S. Wildman, President; Lucius P. Hoyt, Secretary; with 6 Directors: Edgar S. Tweedy, George W. Ives, Nelson L. White, S. A. Hurlburt, Henry Benedict, and Samuel C. Wildman.
The first land was purchased in December of 1850. It consisted of 16 acres purchased from William H. Clark for $300 and another 51/4 acres from Colonel E. Moss White for $80. Later in November of 1867 the association purchased 35 more acres at $35 per acre from William Augustus White. And so, the journey began that brought us to the present cemetery of rolling hills and diverse landscapes, hosting a variety of religions and international ethnicity. It has also become a natural habitat fostering an array of animals and birds creating an ecological friendly “green area.”
In 1896, the Cemetery Assoc. completed this Memorial Chapel. It is Pompeian brick, with interior cedar paneling, and a slate tile roof. There is a bronze plaque naming George W. Ives, Edgar S. Tweedy, and Frederick S. Wildman as the 3 citizens who created and nurtured this quiet setting of eternal rest. In 1866 stone columns were erected at the entrance. One pair still stands at the entrance, the other pair now resides at the exit at the corner of Ellsworth and Hospital Avenues. The chapel has been the location of the office since 1955.
1799 -1882

1852: Treasurer of Group to build the Fairfield County Railroad
1835 -1853: Danbury National Bank- Assist Treasurer, Cashier
1860: Danbury Savings Bank- Secretary & Treasurer (now Ives Bank)
First Superintendent of Wooster Cemetery
Gave Much to Community Service
Grandfather of musician, Charles E. Ives
1805 – 1893

Organizer of Danbury Gas Light Co.
1854 CT State Representative
CT Treasurer from Danbury, R 1857-581 yr.
President of Savings Bank of Danbury
First President of Wooster Cemetery
Director of Danbury-Norwalk Railway (Danbury’s first railway)
Many Improvements in Danbury
1808 -1893

Partner hat manufacturers Hoyt, Tweedy & Co.
Focused on Charities & betterment of Danbury
1850 elected Vice-President of Wooster Cemetery
1862-1889 Superintendent of Wooster Cemetery
Secretary & Director of Danbury- Norwalk Railway (Danbury’s first railway)
Organizer of Danbury Gas Light Co.
Incorporator of Danbury Bank
President of Danbury Library
Treasurer of Danbury Broad views, active mind & large heart
Director & VP of Savings Bank of Danbury (now Ives Bank)